Northern Ireland Mental Health Arts Festival (NIMHAF) is a growing festival in its 5th
year, set up to celebrate mental health, challenge stigma around it and fight
inequalities. The creation and enjoyment of art contributes hugely to the recovery and
thriving of many people who experience mental-health difficulties; our programme –
including this group art exhibition at Belfast’s University of Atypical– will highlight and
champion arts-driven wellbeing.
The 2019 festival theme is Moving Forward: We invite visual artists who have
experienced mental health issues to submit artworks exploring this theme. The
artworks will be part of a curated group exhibition selected by an experienced panel.
We’d love to see artwork from a range of visual media: drawing, paintings, sculpture,
mixed media, film installation, photography, illustration, etc.
No specific limit, but gallery space will curtail the number of large pieces. Please
state dimensions of art works in your submission, and any practical needs for
displaying sculpture and other 3D work.
8th April 2019
Please send submissions to
a brief statement (100-150 words) introducing yourself, your work and your
interest in the exhibition
image(s) of your artwork – up to three separate pieces, preferably as .jpg