Mandala for Mental Health

In this workshop, participants will learn the mindfulness practice of creating mandalas.
Each participant needs their own selection of materials (anything at all will do, provided you have multiples of the same or similar shape) and we will create a mandala together while we explore some of the philosophy behind this practice.
You should bring materials to use for the pattern, and a sheet to lay them on. For example, you could use a box of matches, and an a4 page. You could use a handful of weeds or blades of grass on a sheet of newspaper. You might even decide to do something with pasta, or paint, or yarn. Each mandala will be bespoke to the individual. There is no right or wrong way to complete this activity.
This workshop is suitable for all levels, and is more about taking the time to participate, than it is about the finished product.
Róisín Erskine is an artist, yogi and wellness activist. All of her work focuses on teaching strategies and techniques which enable people to improve their wellbeing day-to-day. With a 400hour certification in yoga, including yoga therapy, and a recent qualification in sound healing, coupled with 15 years experience working in post-conflict community setting, Róisín has a wealth of experience in supporting others to improve their mental wellbeing; manage their emotional hygiene; and pro-actively create more healthy patterns of thought and behaviour.