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Cathal Cully

You Do Not Know What You Have Missed

You Do Not Know What You Have Missed - C

In 'You Do Not Know What You Have Missed' I wanted to explore the idea of loneliness through the gaze of a parallel limbo of time – specifically through any potential lost moments due to insularity and the feeling of unknown missed events that could have occurred through deviated circumstances. At its core, skeletal elements of previous unfinished sketches and collages of recorded sounds are stripped back, broken down, re-built and repurposed through a myriad of effects processes. These techniques aim to shift any particular focus of the piece from the shadowy potential chaos of its centre to the outer fringes, providing a sense of calm and restoration.


Although, perhaps tinged with a sense of loss, the 'What If?' and the longing for past memories, this piece aims to challenge the listener to go to the brightest edges of their imaginations by providing glimpses of hope and flickers of light in a search for future pleasures.




Self-taught Belfast based musician Cathal Cully's work concentrates on the minimal, downtempo and the wordless. He explores ideas in closed imaginary spaces juxtaposed with open emotional landscapes. 

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