My Creative Life
Creative Lives
11 May, 2:00 - 4:00 pm
The Black Box

A poetry and photography project run by Creative Lives working with 12 groups across NI.
My Creative Life is a poetry and photography project run by Creative Lives, funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland. We are working with 12 groups across Northern Ireland, 4 poets and 1 photographer.
Both Black Box Projects and The Donaghadee Poetry Collective have written poems based around the theme of Myths.
'We are really happy to be working across Northern Ireland on this project and with a diverse range of poets, participants and the effervescent photographer Bernie McAllister, who is really bringing the project to life with her images.'
'Myths really struck us as a great starting point for Black Box Projects and The Donaghadee Poetry Collective and through the brilliant facilitation of Colin Massard and Amy Louise Wyatt, the groups have come up with beautiful work. We hope you enjoy it!'
Black Box Projects are for and by people who identify as disabled and we explored the theme of Myths through the lens of disability, love, Faerie Tales, misconceptions and modern phenomenons such as fake news.
The Donaghadee Poetry Collective started from the perspective of Myths and Legends; choosing some Celtic Folklore, Greek Myths, Saints and Scholars to focus their poems around. This group particularly enjoyed coming together through a love of poetry and meeting like minded people post COVID.