Brain Injury Matters @ Arts for All
Unexpected Happenings

An exhibition of drawings, paintings, mixed media and photography created during the pandemic on Zoom through weekly workshops with adults who have an acquired brain injury and facilitated by artist Daniela Balmaverde.
When the pandemic started Brain Injury Matters participants felt isolated, cut off and disconnected from each other, family and friends and society, with no end in sight.
Through the weekly workshops, participants had the opportunity to connect, try new things and enjoy creating their own art works, for some, for the first time ever.
With pride and confidence, the participants have created over 100 pieces, with a selection being exhibited in the John Luke Gallery, Arts for All exhibition as part of this year’s NIMHAF.
Taking place at Arts for All, CitySide Retail Park, Ground Floor, Unit D, Belfast, BT15 3GU
Brain Injury Matters (NI) was established in 2013 as an independent regional third sector organisation supporting, promoting and empowering those individuals and families affected by acquired brain injury.